In recent months, the Cyber Crime investigators of Pune city police have raised a red flag concerning the growing menace of interactive voice response (IVR) calls, which serve as the initial step for cyber criminals to ensnare unsuspecting victims into various fraudulent schemes. These IVR calls, laden with pre-recorded messages and keypad prompts, have become the gateway for a surge in cyber crimes targeting individuals across Pune.
The modus operandi is as deceptive as it is insidious. Picture this: a government official in Pune receives a call, purportedly from the Mumbai High Court, informing them of a notice issued in their name and urging them to press ‘0’ to contact the Mumbai police. Another scenario unfolds with a serving Armed Forces officer in Pune, who is greeted by a recorded message claiming to be from the Telecom Department, threatening to block all mobile numbers registered under their name within two hours unless they press ‘9’.
While these senior officials were quick to recognize these calls as fraudulent attempts, numerous others have not been as fortunate. Many unsuspecting recipients of such “vishing” or voice phishing calls have fallen prey to the sophisticated tactics employed by cyber criminals, resulting in substantial financial losses running into lakhs of rupees.
According to reports from the Cyber Crime investigators of Pune city police, over the past two months, there has been a surge in cyber crimes originating from IVR calls, with at least three dozen cases reported. These IVR calls serve as the initial trigger, luring victims into a complex web of deceit and financial exploitation.
The gravity of the situation prompted the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) of the Union Ministry of Communications to issue a stern advisory on March 29, cautioning citizens against responding to such calls. The advisory highlighted instances where callers, masquerading as representatives of the DoT, threatened unsuspecting individuals with the disconnection of their mobile numbers or implicated them in illegal activities.
“Cyber criminals through such calls try to threaten or steal personal information to carry out cyber crimes or financial fraud,” reads the advisory, emphasizing that the DoT does not authorize anyone to make such calls on its behalf. Citizens were urged to exercise vigilance and refrain from divulging any information upon receiving such calls.
Senior Inspector Minal Patil, heading the Cyber Crime police station, shed light on the nefarious schemes orchestrated by cyber criminals through IVR calls. These schemes encompass a wide array of fraudulent activities, including drugs in parcel scams, power or telephone bill pending frauds, gift card or lottery frauds, and bank or insurance frauds, among others.
“People need to clearly understand that no departments make such calls and seek transfer of funds,” Senior Inspector Patil asserted. She emphasized the importance of immediate reporting to the local cyber crime unit or police if individuals receive such calls and cautioned against engaging in any communication or transactions prompted by these calls.
The ramifications of falling victim to these IVR traps extend far beyond financial losses. Recent cases have unveiled a disturbing trend wherein victims are coerced into making fund transfers under the pretext of resolving fictitious legal issues or customs fees related to alleged drug parcels addressed to them.
Fraudsters, adept at assuming various personas, including IPS officers and law enforcement officials, employ intimidation tactics to manipulate victims into compliance. They exploit the fear and uncertainty instilled by IVR calls to extract funds from unsuspecting individuals, often under the guise of protecting their bank accounts from imaginary threats.
The alarming rise in cyber crimes originating from IVR calls underscores the urgent need for heightened awareness and vigilance among citizens. With Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad police reporting dozens of cases in the past year alone, authorities are stepping up efforts to combat this burgeoning threat landscape.
As citizens navigate an increasingly digitized world, equipped with smartphones and interconnected devices, the onus lies on each individual to exercise caution and skepticism when confronted with unsolicited calls or messages. By remaining vigilant and promptly reporting suspicious activities to law enforcement authorities, citizens can play a pivotal role in thwarting the nefarious designs of cyber criminals lurking behind IVR calls.
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