In response to the escalating threat of cybercrime, the Himachal Pradesh Police has announced a pioneering initiative to establish Integrated Cyber Extended (ICE) units in nine districts lacking dedicated cyber police stations. This proactive measure aims to address the surge in cybercrime complaints across the state and enhance law enforcement’s capabilities to combat digital threats effectively.
Despite the presence of three cyber cell police stations in Mandi, Kangra, and Shimla, the majority of Himachal Pradesh’s districts have been underserved in terms of cybercrime investigation and response mechanisms. With cybercrime complaints on the rise and existing resources strained, the establishment of ICE units represents a strategic move towards decentralizing investigative capabilities and extending support to remote districts.
The decision to establish ICE units comes in the wake of a significant increase in cybercrime incidents reported over the past five years. From 2019 to 2022, the three existing cyber cell police stations collectively received an average of 11 complaints per day, a number that surged to 44 in 2024. Additionally, the centralized 1093 cyber helpline number in the state recorded approximately 248 complaints per day, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced cybercrime prevention and response measures.
DIG Cyber Crime (CID), Mohit Chawla, emphasized the importance of the ICE units in addressing the evolving nature of cyber threats and ensuring accessibility to investigative services for citizens across the state. He highlighted the challenges posed by the mountainous terrain of Himachal Pradesh, which hindered individuals from accessing cybercrime investigation facilities in major districts.
The establishment of ICE units reflects a proactive approach by the Himachal Pradesh Police to adapt to the changing landscape of cybercrime and safeguard citizens’ digital interests. By deploying capable personnel and resources to investigate cybercrimes at the district level, the police aim to enhance responsiveness, improve outreach, and promote cyber resilience across the state.
With the provisional approval of the DGP, ICE units will soon be operational in districts such as Lahaul and Spiti, Una, Bilaspur, Sirmaur, Chamba, Kullu, Hamirpur, Solan, and Kinnaur. This initiative underscores the commitment of the Himachal Pradesh Police to combat cyber threats effectively and uphold the security and well-being of its citizens in the digital age.
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