On April 12th, 2024, a distressing incident surfaced in Bengaluru as a 52-year-old software engineer, Kumarasamy Sivakkumar, was duped of a staggering Rs 2.24 crore by cyber fraudsters masquerading as officials from the Delhi Customs and Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB). This unfortunate occurrence closely follows another case involving a 29-year-old woman lawyer from Bengaluru, who lost Rs 14.57 lakh to similar deceptive tactics employed by fraudsters.
The perpetrators employed a meticulously crafted modus operandi, reminiscent of the scheme faced by the woman lawyer. Beginning on March 18th and persisting until March 27th, the fraudsters contacted Sivakkumar under the guise of officials from the Customs Department. They falsely claimed that an air parcel addressed to him, en route from Delhi to Malaysia, had been intercepted at the Delhi Airport. Allegedly, the parcel contained a trove of incriminating items, including 16 passports, 58 bank ATM cards, and 140 grams of Ecstasy drug tablets, a banned narcotic.
Exploiting the victim’s vulnerability, the fraudsters coerced him into engaging in a Skype video conference, purportedly transferring the call to the ‘Narcotics Control Bureau.’ Subsequently, they manipulated Sivakkumar into believing that his cooperation was necessary to resolve the fabricated legal entanglement. Under duress, he complied with their demands, transferring a staggering Rs 2.24 crore to the fraudsters in eight installments via Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and Immediate Payment Service (IMPS).
The gravity of the situation dawned upon Sivakkumar only on April 5th when he realized that he had been ensnared in a sophisticated scam. Promptly, he approached the authorities and lodged a complaint against the elusive fraudsters at the Bengaluru North East Cyber Crime Police Station.
Shockingly, this incident is not isolated, as reports indicate that approximately 25 individuals have fallen prey to similar schemes since the beginning of the month within the jurisdiction of the North East Cyber Crime Police Station. Cumulatively, the victims have suffered losses exceeding Rs four crore, amplifying concerns regarding the rampant proliferation of cyber fraud.
In light of these distressing developments, law enforcement agencies are urged to intensify efforts to apprehend the perpetrators and dismantle the intricate network of cybercriminals preying on unsuspecting individuals. Additionally, heightened awareness and vigilance among the public are paramount in mitigating the risk posed by such fraudulent activities.
This comprehensive overview provides a detailed account of the cyber fraud incident, elucidating the modus operandi employed by the fraudsters and underscoring the need for enhanced security measures and vigilance within the digital realm.
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