Telegram, known for its emphasis on security, introduces a new Peer-to-Peer Login program offering a complimentary subscription to its Premium plan worth $4.99 per month. However, this offer comes with significant security and privacy risks. Users must consent to receive OTP (one-time password) codes meant for other Telegram users and forward them, potentially exposing their phone numbers.
The offer, spotted in an English translation of a Russian-language Telegram channel, targets Android users in select countries like Indonesia. Participants can forward up to 150 SMS codes per month, bearing any associated carrier costs, to qualify for a monthly Premium plan gift code.
While a free subscription may entice users, the scheme poses multiple security concerns. Sharing OTP codes exposes phone numbers, violating the essence of multi-factor authentication and providing fertile ground for hackers, scammers, and spammers to exploit. Surprisingly, Telegram disclaims responsibility for any inconvenience, harassment, or harm resulting from unauthorized actions by users who obtain phone numbers through the program.
This offer contradicts Telegram’s usual commitment to security and privacy, raising questions about its compatibility with the company’s stated principles. Given the potential risks and minimal financial savings, users must weigh the value of a free subscription against the security of their personal information.
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